Sunday 13 March 2016

Way to go Jena!

Well done to our gorgeous Jena who received the Duffy award this week for her fantastic poetry writing.
You should be super proud of yourself Jena!

Here is her 'Eavesdropping' poem:

I hear annoying seagulls squawking in the blue sky,
the big, salty waves splashing in my face, 
and my dad shouting "WOOHOO!!!" as he rides some humongous waves.

I hear my brother Phoenix screaming as he shakes a crab off his hand,
beautiful shells getting crushed underneath my feet,
and the rusty scooter zooming through the leaves on the road.

I hear the clear water drip onto the floor,
the cicadas sing "Creek....creek....creek" all day long, 
and my sister crying because she scraped her foot on the road.

I hear myself moaning as my dad starts the van getting ready to go.


  1. Well done Jena. What a great poem. I enjoyed your clever use of onomatopoeia :)

  2. What an amazing piece of writing - well done Jena. I love the details you have included.
