Thursday 31 March 2016


Today Room 8 got to have a play with some paint!

We learnt how to create a tint. This is when you add white to a colour.

 We also made shades. This is when you add black to a colour.

 We were amazed how many different colours we could make from brown! When a picture is all one colour, but different tints and shades we call it monochromatic.

LJ, Savannah and Ardyn won the prize for having the cleanest pallet :)  

Then we had a chance to experiment with mixing colours and creating texture. We tried to use our paintbrush to make our paint look like feathers.

 Next we will start painting our birds!


  1. Monochromatic-who knew? Now I do. Thanks fir teaching me. I can't wait to see your birds Eiom 8 gorgeouses.

  2. Love your stuff Room 8! Looks like you had a great time experimenting with tinting and shading. I can't wait to see your techniques in your art for the art exhibition :)
    Miss Thompson
