Tuesday 15 March 2016

Lemon Writing

Room 8 were given the challenge of SHOWING that lemon tastes sour rather than TELLING the reader it tastes sour.  To do our research, we first needed to taste lemon (of course!). Don't you love the facials?!

Check out a few examples of the amazing writing that followed:

My face scrunched up as the evil, sour lemon looked at me. I slowly put it closer to my lips. My mouth opened wide. As my front teeth touched the lemon I screamed "Ewwwwww! Ahhhhk! Blahhhh!" Tears flowed down my face. It felt like someone tipped a bucket of acid into my mouth. I tried to keep my body still, but I couldn't. It was too sour. I said to myself "I'm never going to eat lemon again!"
 By Kaz

"Curse you Miss Bedford! Curse you!!! Why, oh why does it have to end this way?" I dramatically moaned as my evil, despicable teacher forced me to swallow the wrinkled, rough, uneven sided lemon. 
As the juicy, acid filled horror, trickled down my throat, I tried to control my emotions, but it was just way too challenging.
While it slithered down my oesophagus my eyes attached and didn't release. 
My hands curled up over my mouth to hold the tongue twisting fruit as I took another bite, pretending to be Tarzan and visualising the lemon being a cruel baby banana. 
My eyes turned soggy like grass sprinklers activating. Finally it vanished into my stomach. I carried myself with pride as I finished the horror and slam dunked the skin into the bin. 
Thank goodness it's over. 
By Savannah

"GULP! goes the lemon lava through my throat and down into my stomach. My heart pumped ten times faster than usual. My face scrunched up like I was angry at my sisters. My eyes went big like a sword had just been injected through me. The lemon looks like yellow turtle hiding scared of the teeth that stand upon it. 
I took a lick. It tasted fine, but then I put it next to my teeth and took a big bite. "Oolllll! This tastes terrible," I said in disgust. I almost puked. It tasted like me spewing up then swallowing it down my throat again - but worse.
If your teacher forces you to eat a sour lemon, pretend you're sick, because you WILL be after eating that lemon!
By Carlito


  1. Those are some awesome, cool, funny stories. We like how the stories described Ms Bedford as evil. Well done Room 8 for eating those sour lemons. From Room 21

  2. What great writing! I especially like the facial expressions and the AMAZING vocabulary you used to describe your lemon eating experience.

  3. Wowww! Room 8, I am so impressed with your writing. The detail and vocabulary that you have chosen is incredible. I just have one wish... I would have loved to have seen a video of your sour faces as you devoured the lemon (bwah ha ha - evil laugh).
    Keep up the fantabulous work team!
    From Miss T

  4. Ohhhhh I wish I was their to watch their facials they look so funny
