Friday 13 May 2016

Tidy Kiwis

Last Friday the senior school took on the challenge of cleaning up our community by picking up rubbish in the streets near our school.

We left after lunch armed with rubbish bags, buckets for glass, and a wheel barrow for picking up large items.

We were on a mission! No rubbish left behind! We did our best to sort which items should be recycled and brought it all back to school to be weighed and sorted.

We felt sad and angry at the amount of rubbish we picked up, especially after our recent learning about the effects litter, particularly small pieces of plastic, are having on our environment.
We also felt proud that we had made a difference in our community.

Way to go senior school! Let's hope we inspire others to make a difference too.


  1. What a great job you did, making our community lovely and clean. Let's hope that there is less rubbish next time we clean up. Miss M.

  2. Hi room 8 what nice thing you did by picking up rubbishs
