Saturday 21 May 2016

A visit from Sunny Hills School!

This week room 8 had some special visitors! 19 year 2 and 3 children and 4 adults from Sunny Hills Primary, came to learn about the recent art we did for our school art exhibition.
They are doing some art in their own school and hope to create some big murals of the birds that represent the different houses children belong to at their school.
They saw our art on the internet, and were inspired by what we created. During their visit we shared a presentation of our learning with them, then we got into small groups and the children from Sunny Hills asked us some questions about our work
At the end they sang us a lovely waiata.

It was so exciting to have another school come and visit ours, and so great to know that we can inspire others in their learning!

We are excited to see the art work that the beautiful children from Sunny Hills School create and we wish them all the best.

1 comment:

  1. So lucky that the violin people came before they left
