Thursday 12 May 2016

In Room 8 we are learning to write a piece of personal experience writing. Here is Savannah's first attempt. What do you think? 
Waking up!
“5 more minutes,” I moaned grumpily on an early Autumn Monday morning. The cold breeze of the wind, whooshed past my sleepy face as my Mum opened the glass windows. While I slowly woke up, an irritating noise echoed around my sensitive ears. I realised it was my brothers annoying singing, which was more like torture.
The house started rumbling or was that just the whimpers of my stomach begging for food? I rubbed my eyes as I walked through the kitchen door way and greedily snatched my brother Brian’s cutlery and filled the bowl with delicious sweet Nutra Grain. Next I poured new, fresh milk on it. All of a sudden the clock struck 7:30. I was late so I rushed.
I ran until my legs felt numb into my room. Slipped on my red and blue Bairds Mainfreight uniform along with my black leopard socks and light grey sport shoes. I packed my usual lunch, zapped through the door and said goodbye to anyone who could hear.
Walking proudly to school a familiar voice appeared “Wait for me!” Brian yelled. What can be worse than him? “Hurry up!” I demanded.
Reaching for the school gate I knew it was going to be another successful day which would fix my mood.

By Savannah


  1. Wow, Savannah! I felt like I was reading a story published in a School Journal. Keep up the amazing work- and one day I WILL be reading your published work- in a book! Kaching-Kaching $$

  2. Well done Savannah. What a great piece of personal writing. I really enjoyed all of the great vocabulary you used to add personal voice to your writing. I bet it was a great day indeed (school is always great!) Miss M

  3. Wow, Savannah ... what an amazing piece of writing! I love all the descriptions you included! I can't wait to read this to Room 4, I'm sure they'll enjoy it as much as I did! :)

  4. Wow Savannah my family loved your writing they enjoyed your story more then I did

  5. WOW, savannah what a nice piece of writing.
