Tuesday 24 May 2016

You make me proud Room 8!

After a busy day out of class testing Room 8 kids on their reading, it was lovely to come back to this note left by our wonderful reliever Mrs McGregor:

It's so great to know that you are your usual amazing selves in class, even when I'm not there. 

Way to go Room 8! :)
From Miss Bedford

Saturday 21 May 2016

A visit from Sunny Hills School!

This week room 8 had some special visitors! 19 year 2 and 3 children and 4 adults from Sunny Hills Primary, came to learn about the recent art we did for our school art exhibition.
They are doing some art in their own school and hope to create some big murals of the birds that represent the different houses children belong to at their school.
They saw our art on the internet, and were inspired by what we created. During their visit we shared a presentation of our learning with them, then we got into small groups and the children from Sunny Hills asked us some questions about our work
At the end they sang us a lovely waiata.

It was so exciting to have another school come and visit ours, and so great to know that we can inspire others in their learning!

We are excited to see the art work that the beautiful children from Sunny Hills School create and we wish them all the best.

Monday 16 May 2016


This afternoon Room 8 were busy planting!
We planted flower seedlings for our classroom flower gardens and  flower and vegetable seeds for our outdoor school garden.
Some of the vegetables we planted were spinach, leeks, lettuce, parsley and silverbeet. 
We also planted foxgloves which are a flower that will help attract bees. We couldn't believe how tiny their seeds were. They were about the size of a grain of sand. 
We will be watching carefully to see our seeds germinate and pop out of the soil as little seedlings. 
We will keep you updated! 

Friday 13 May 2016

Tidy Kiwis

Last Friday the senior school took on the challenge of cleaning up our community by picking up rubbish in the streets near our school.

We left after lunch armed with rubbish bags, buckets for glass, and a wheel barrow for picking up large items.

We were on a mission! No rubbish left behind! We did our best to sort which items should be recycled and brought it all back to school to be weighed and sorted.

We felt sad and angry at the amount of rubbish we picked up, especially after our recent learning about the effects litter, particularly small pieces of plastic, are having on our environment.
We also felt proud that we had made a difference in our community.

Way to go senior school! Let's hope we inspire others to make a difference too.

Thursday 12 May 2016

In Room 8 we are learning to write a piece of personal experience writing. Here is Savannah's first attempt. What do you think? 
Waking up!
“5 more minutes,” I moaned grumpily on an early Autumn Monday morning. The cold breeze of the wind, whooshed past my sleepy face as my Mum opened the glass windows. While I slowly woke up, an irritating noise echoed around my sensitive ears. I realised it was my brothers annoying singing, which was more like torture.
The house started rumbling or was that just the whimpers of my stomach begging for food? I rubbed my eyes as I walked through the kitchen door way and greedily snatched my brother Brian’s cutlery and filled the bowl with delicious sweet Nutra Grain. Next I poured new, fresh milk on it. All of a sudden the clock struck 7:30. I was late so I rushed.
I ran until my legs felt numb into my room. Slipped on my red and blue Bairds Mainfreight uniform along with my black leopard socks and light grey sport shoes. I packed my usual lunch, zapped through the door and said goodbye to anyone who could hear.
Walking proudly to school a familiar voice appeared “Wait for me!” Brian yelled. What can be worse than him? “Hurry up!” I demanded.
Reaching for the school gate I knew it was going to be another successful day which would fix my mood.

By Savannah

Friday 6 May 2016

Buddy Reading with Room 13

On Wednesday we hung out with our buddy class Room 13. We read, talked and sang together. Such a special time! We look forward to doing it again next week :)

Tuesday 3 May 2016

The Lorax

This term the Senior School are learning about Recycling
To get us thinking about ways humans harm and help our environment, we watched the Lorax and discussed some of the quotes from the text. This is what we thought of the Lorax's wise words:

We think that the Lorax is trying to look after the water, trees, air and animals. We think we should be like the Lorax because he likes to care for the environment. We should help the Lorax by telling people to care for our world.
By Samantha, Ellen and Oka

We think that the Lorax’s words inspire us to convince the public to recycle and stop killing trees and animals homes. In our opinion the Once-ler was greedy and didn’t care about the environment.
By Savannah and Augustina

If no one cares for the world, it will be DESTROYED. We need to do everything we can to take care of the world, the animals and stop people polluting the sea.
By Jena, David and Ardyn

We are the Lorax’s messengers. Our responsibility is to care for the environment by making good choices and to help others make good choices.
By Hayden, Micheal and Carlito

Stop people from killing animals, sea creatures and trees. Stop people who don’t care about the environment. Don’t just TELL them to pick it up, EXPLAIN what will happen if they don’t.
 By L.J, Jeremiah and Kaz

In our opinion the first quote means that WE need to stand up for the environment so we can protect it. We think the second quote means that if people DO care for the environment things will be alright.
By Waina, Amy and Gwyneth

We can be the Lorax’s Minions and protect the Earth. We can spread the word to people and maybe it will change their minds. We have to be role models and help other people, help us, to save the world.
By Nevaeh, Tarita and Adam

You can watch and listen to the story here: