Sunday 1 April 2018

Creativity and Innovation - Making Music

Wow....what a week! A terms worth of learning from each class was finally on display at our whole school Creativity and Innovation Expo.

We were blown away with what each class had come up with and we were so proud and excited to finally be able to share our learning with our community.

Here is a quick look back at the the process of creating our musical instruments...

Coding and Makey Makey fun!

Creating our instruments.

Hooking up the Makey Makey...

Making Music...

Alongside this, we were researching our instrument, taking notes, drawing diagrams and writing information reports. We were also composing our own music and lyrics and experimenting with instruments in the music room with our buddy class.

This has been the most incredible learning! Room 8 students have been self motivated learners who have worked wonderfully with their partners.  They have displayed fantastic creativity and the ability to work collaboratively to problem solve when things got tricky.

We celebrated our learning with a short 'concert' last week. You can check out the video below...


  1. Congratulations on your AMAZING creativity and innovation. I was blown away by your level of skill, co-operation, perseverance and motivation. Tumeke!!!!

  2. Hi that looks cool keep it up and I miss you all!!😆

  3. Hi that looks cool keep it up and I miss you all!!😆
