Sunday 1 April 2018

Buddy Class Easter Scavenger Hunt 2018

What a fun day we had with our buddy class on Thursday!

We worked in pairs or small groups to complete a scavenger hunt. We had to read clues which sent us all around the school completing challenges. Some of these challenges included making up a handshake, completing an obstacle course, asking each other questions and recording the answers, identifying features on the New Zealand flag, collecting natural resources from our environment and practising cartwheels!

Our focus was doing lots of talking with our Room 13 buddy, giving lots of encouragement and of course having lots of FUN!

We finished the fun with an Easter treat, some music and  Easter colouring.

We love spending time with our buddy class!

We would like to wish Room 13 as well as all our whanau and friends a safe and happy Easter!

1 comment:

  1. well done rm 8 you were great looking after your buddy class
