Monday 23 April 2018

ANZAC Day 2018

During the last few weeks of the term, Room 8 were learning about the significance of ANZAC day and why the 25th of April is an important day of remembrance.

We read stories, watched video clips, re-enacted the landing at Gallipoli, wrote poems and stories and created art work.

This important learning was supported by Mrs McAree, who at the time, was travelling around Europe with her son Sam and his Kapa Haka group. They were following in the footsteps of the Maori Battalion. Her email updates and photos created lots of great questions and discussions. We were able to view Tyne Cot Cemetery in Belgium (where Mrs McAree emailed us from) via Google Earth and see the 34,941 square metres of land dedicated to the casualties of the First World War - many of them unidentified.

We wrote the following poem for Mrs McAree and Sam to read at Flanders Field on behalf of the children in Room 8...

Here we are busy working on our art...

We look forward to sharing or finished art and writing with you soon and we will continuine to find answers to our questions next term. 


  1. That was so touching when we were reading our poem for Anzac
