Monday 23 April 2018

End of term buddy class fun!

To celebrate a great first term, Room 8 and 13 spent our last buddy class session cooking and eating!

We all had a job to do...
Cooking pikelets

Making a fruit salad

 Making milo milkshakes
Serving food 

and of course...we all had to clean up afterwards!

Talking, listening, reading, maths (doubling the recipe required some careful calculations!), sharing, laughing and best of all...EATING!

We look forward to a fun term 2 with our buddy class Room 13 😊

ANZAC Day 2018

During the last few weeks of the term, Room 8 were learning about the significance of ANZAC day and why the 25th of April is an important day of remembrance.

We read stories, watched video clips, re-enacted the landing at Gallipoli, wrote poems and stories and created art work.

This important learning was supported by Mrs McAree, who at the time, was travelling around Europe with her son Sam and his Kapa Haka group. They were following in the footsteps of the Maori Battalion. Her email updates and photos created lots of great questions and discussions. We were able to view Tyne Cot Cemetery in Belgium (where Mrs McAree emailed us from) via Google Earth and see the 34,941 square metres of land dedicated to the casualties of the First World War - many of them unidentified.

We wrote the following poem for Mrs McAree and Sam to read at Flanders Field on behalf of the children in Room 8...

Here we are busy working on our art...

We look forward to sharing or finished art and writing with you soon and we will continuine to find answers to our questions next term. 

Sunday 1 April 2018

Creativity and Innovation - Making Music

Wow....what a week! A terms worth of learning from each class was finally on display at our whole school Creativity and Innovation Expo.

We were blown away with what each class had come up with and we were so proud and excited to finally be able to share our learning with our community.

Here is a quick look back at the the process of creating our musical instruments...

Coding and Makey Makey fun!

Creating our instruments.

Hooking up the Makey Makey...

Making Music...

Alongside this, we were researching our instrument, taking notes, drawing diagrams and writing information reports. We were also composing our own music and lyrics and experimenting with instruments in the music room with our buddy class.

This has been the most incredible learning! Room 8 students have been self motivated learners who have worked wonderfully with their partners.  They have displayed fantastic creativity and the ability to work collaboratively to problem solve when things got tricky.

We celebrated our learning with a short 'concert' last week. You can check out the video below...

Could this be the tallest cup tower yet?

The Cup Tower Challenge is a favourite activity in our Room 8 maths class, for those children who have finished their work. The challenge is to make the tallest/most interesting cup tower without it falling down. The one and only must answer each multiplication question correctly before your cup can be placed on the tower.

The whole class was impressed with the tower these boys created this week! Nice work 😊


OH NO....


Buddy Class Easter Scavenger Hunt 2018

What a fun day we had with our buddy class on Thursday!

We worked in pairs or small groups to complete a scavenger hunt. We had to read clues which sent us all around the school completing challenges. Some of these challenges included making up a handshake, completing an obstacle course, asking each other questions and recording the answers, identifying features on the New Zealand flag, collecting natural resources from our environment and practising cartwheels!

Our focus was doing lots of talking with our Room 13 buddy, giving lots of encouragement and of course having lots of FUN!

We finished the fun with an Easter treat, some music and  Easter colouring.

We love spending time with our buddy class!

We would like to wish Room 13 as well as all our whanau and friends a safe and happy Easter!