Friday 27 November 2015

Check us out at camp and farewell to year 6's

Wishing this gorgeous group of children all the very best as many of them head off to intermediate. 

What an amazing 2 years we had learning and growing together!
Lots of special memories to treasure.

To the children who have gone on to other classes in BMPS I look forward to watching you shine as amazing year 6's xx

A few photos/clips from our time at camp. 

What was your highlight?
What did you find most challenging?
What were you most proud of?
What did you learn?

From Garden to Plate

This week we made spinach balls. We picked all the spinach that we planted in our garden last term.

We worked in 4 groups and we got points for participation, appearance, taste, and tidying up.

The first thing we had to do was read the recipe and get the ingredients and equipment. We mixed everything together in one bowl. Once it was mixed we rolled it into balls and put them on a tray and put them in the oven and waited for 20 minutes.

The hardest part was the eating for some students and waiting for them to cook, but the easiest part was reading the recipe. The most fun part was rolling them into balls.

Finally when the spinach balls were cooked we had a good feast.

We had a lovely day in the kitchen.

By Kakala and Johnny


  • 220 g fresh spinach leaves,, trimmed, washed - about 6 cups. It makes about 160g (2/3 cup) of cooked, squeezed and packed spinach
  • 3 eggs, size 6
  • 1/2 cup (60g) grated cheese - I used noble cheedar from Mainland
  • 1 cup (75g) Gluten Free Panko Crumbs,
  • 1/4 cup fresh herbs of your choice - I used coriander
  1. Trim and wash the fresh spinach leaves.
  2. Place the leaves into a saucepan, add salt and cover with boiling water. Cover and set aside for 3 minutes.
  3. Rinse the spinach with cold tap water. Drain using your hands to squeeze all the remaining water. You should obtain about 2/3 cup (160g) of packed cooked spinach leaves. If you are using frozen spinach, defrost and measure this quantity.
  4. Place on a chop board and finely chop the cooked spinach. Transfer into a mixing bowl.
  5. Add eggs, cheese, herbs and panko gluten free crumbs. You can also add salt and pepper if your cheese is not very salty. I did not add salt.
  6. Combine with a spoon or your hands, until it forms a batter from which you are able to form balls with your hands or use a small cookie scoop maker to avoid the mess
  7. If too moist add slightly more crumb until easy to roll as ball with your hands palms.
  8. Place the balls on a non-stick cookie tray covered with baking paper.
  9. Bake at 180 c for 15-20 minutes or until golden on the top.
  10. Serve immediately or cold in lunchboxes.
  11. Serve with dips of your choice like pesto, hummus or homemade ketchup.

Sunday 15 November 2015

Hanging with the BREAKERS!!

First of all this was ages ago but we wanted to share it with you. This day was really fun! The whole school walked to the rec center in Otara. Getting to see our school vs the Breakers was awesome but obviously the Breakers won they were impossible to beat.

They invited everyone to play a game. There was a breakers player who had to shoot a 3-pointer and if we thought that he will miss then we had to run to left and shout boo!! The people who thought that he would get it, in had to run to right and cheer him on.....WOOHOO!!

Autographs. We had ten minutes to get autographs from the players but sadly I only got one autograph. It was an exciting time for all of us and we wish to do it again!

By Phoenix

Friday 23 October 2015

Athletics day!

Today was an exiting day, it was athletics day. Everyone from Bairds Mainfreight participated 
in the fun. We were feeling pumped and a few people felt nervous. Some of the
seniors raced in the 200 meter run and the 400 meter run and we all ran in the 
75 meter run.
Everyone did well but in room 08 Julee-uz, Cace, Mafoa, Tara, Muna and Marina
got ribbons in the finial.

In the afternoon the seniors had some fun relays. It was cool.

Now at the end of the day everyone feels very tired but we all made it though!

By Paul

Friday 16 October 2015

We got mail!

In Room 8 we are very proud of our blog and love sharing our learning with others but we had a problem.........our blog wasn't getting many visitors :(

So recently we connected up with another school in New Zealand. We had no idea which part of NZ the school was in, and they didn't know where we were SO we researched clues about our city and suburb and made a postcard which we sent to them:

Earlier this week we got mail! The class at the 'mystery school' made us postcards with clues about where in NZ they were.

We worked with a buddy and used the clues on the postcards and laptops to help figure out the mystery. The clues were great, but it was still tricky!
Here we are using our research and detective skills.....

We made it a competition to see who could figure it out first. As you can imagine the rivalry was fierce and there was lots of celebration as each team finally worked it out!

After that we went onto our blog to send them a message.

To our new friends at

Pukerua Bay School

........thank you so much for your postcards! 

We plan on checking out your blog next week.

Keep visiting us and perhaps we could set up a Skype session sometime this term?

High fives to you all and a big hug to Mrs TJ x

Monday 28 September 2015

BMPS culture festival 2015

This term the senior school have been practicing hard for their cultural festival which was held on Thursday the 24th of September at 6pm. Earlier that day, the junior and middle school had set the standard high during their hall opening performances. They were fantastic!

There were was a real buzz of excitement and nerves as the children were getting ready and their families began to arrive. I was the teacher in charge of the Tongan group, but in between I raced around trying to snap as many photos as I could of my gorgeous room 8 super stars.

Take a look!

Even now, thinking back on the evening, I can't stop smiling. I was so incredibly proud of each and every one of you Room 8! All the hard work you put in during your practices paid off. You all gave 100% during your performances and looked amazing!

Here is Reece who stole the stage during this part of the Samoan groups performance. Way to go Reece!
 Finally, here a few pictures of Room 8 hard at work painting hall decorations