Friday 23 October 2015

Athletics day!

Today was an exiting day, it was athletics day. Everyone from Bairds Mainfreight participated 
in the fun. We were feeling pumped and a few people felt nervous. Some of the
seniors raced in the 200 meter run and the 400 meter run and we all ran in the 
75 meter run.
Everyone did well but in room 08 Julee-uz, Cace, Mafoa, Tara, Muna and Marina
got ribbons in the finial.

In the afternoon the seniors had some fun relays. It was cool.

Now at the end of the day everyone feels very tired but we all made it though!

By Paul


  1. It was a great athletics day. Well done all of room 8 for great running. Five superstars in room 8-nice work!

    Are any of you a bit sore today? Tia is!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Thank you Mrs Mcaree you are kind

    3. Thank you Miss McAree for your comment i hope tia gets better.

    4. Thanks miss McAree but i still have sour legs

  2. Nice running to our whole class especially to the first second and third boys and girls YAY!

    1. Thank you Kylah for your your comment

    2. Thank you miss mcAree i did 75m.

  3. YAY! well done room 8 you did well aslo to the whole school.Well done to Sheriley who came 1st 3 times and to tara who came second 2 two times in a row well done.

  4. It sure was Tia was great and so was the kids that came first second and third

  5. Haiagin/Gin (Haiasini)29 October 2015 at 14:07

    This day was so fun first everyone was nervous and then when we ran we finally let it out and started being supportive and cheering for others well done to the top 5 of our class Tara,Marina,Mafoa, julee-uz, cace you did amazing with your long arms and legs yous could be in the olympics.

  6. YAY!well done to every one in room 8 but especially the people who came first second and third

  7. thank you you were all great especially Tevita [mafoa] ,Tara , Julee-uz and Cace

  8. were't they fast the people who came 1st,second and first.

  9. I felt very very shy when I got called out because when I put my five little toes on that line I thought that I might come last and did but least I had fun.

  10. haiasinis mum nita14 November 2015 at 13:57

    well done to all the kids who participated in this athletics day hope you had fun running
