Monday 28 September 2015

BMPS culture festival 2015

This term the senior school have been practicing hard for their cultural festival which was held on Thursday the 24th of September at 6pm. Earlier that day, the junior and middle school had set the standard high during their hall opening performances. They were fantastic!

There were was a real buzz of excitement and nerves as the children were getting ready and their families began to arrive. I was the teacher in charge of the Tongan group, but in between I raced around trying to snap as many photos as I could of my gorgeous room 8 super stars.

Take a look!

Even now, thinking back on the evening, I can't stop smiling. I was so incredibly proud of each and every one of you Room 8! All the hard work you put in during your practices paid off. You all gave 100% during your performances and looked amazing!

Here is Reece who stole the stage during this part of the Samoan groups performance. Way to go Reece!
 Finally, here a few pictures of Room 8 hard at work painting hall decorations

1 comment:

  1. I thought our culture festival was AMAZING! Yes, as usual, I had a tear in my eye when the kapa haka group performed!

    Room 8, I hope you all join culture groups at your intermediate school ;-)
