Friday 11 September 2015

Police visit the Senior School

Today on Friday the 11th of September the police people came, not to arrest us but to teach us about C.S.I (Crime Scene Investigation) The teachers split us into 2 groups. 1 group stayed at the hall and was learning about finger prints and how to gather evidence at a crime scene. The other group was looking at the dogs in the vans and cars., then we swapped over.
The funnest part was when group 2 were playing around with the sirens and horns.
We also got to see the police dogs working when they did a demonstration on the field. It was so cool! It was such a great day.

By Rebeka and Kakala


  1. The Senior School were sooooooo so lucky today!! How special are we to have had that many police men and women AND dogs, give up their time to teach us? What was your highlight of the day?

    1. thank you miss bedford for commenting on our blog and my favourite part was of coarse the dogs

    2. thank you miss bedford for commenting on our blog and my favourite part was obviously the forensics

  2. Wow! that all looked like so much fun! My daughter Charlotte really wants to be a police woman, she would have loved to have been there for the day. You guys are so lucky!

  3. This was one of my favourite days at school this year. I loved seeing you all learning about CSI. We had 8 police dogs at school-wow!!!

  4. Hi miss Bedford thank you for commenting on the blog and my favourite part was obviously was the forensics part:-)

  5. Thank you Candice for your comment and for looking on our blog. It was fun when we saw the police people and hope Charlotte's wish of being a police woman come's true.

    1. Thank you for your kind words. I hope her dreams come true too, although I will let you in in a secret, Charlotte really just wants to be able to put her sister in jail and drive fast with the lights on...... :)

  6. thanks candice for commenting on our blog we hope your daughter someday might get a good job as a police women

  7. What was it like meeting real police and their dogs? It looks so fun and Ms TJ is a great teacher:) so jealous!

    1. Kylah and Noveena16 October 2015 at 10:30

      Its really cool to meet policeman and their dogs also getting the opportunity to go inside their police cars.

    2. she sure is fun but actually i have'nt met her before but she sure does look fun does'nt she

  8. Wow I really thought that the policeman had lost a arm.

    Was it so awesome in real life?

    1. Kylah and Noveena16 October 2015 at 10:25

      It was Amazing getting to see police dogs in real life.

  9. Haiasini and Tara16 October 2015 at 10:30

    hi i am one of the students in room 08 it was fun when we got to meet the polices and there dogs some of us for the first time and others for the second we would like to know how old are you? and what year are you?

  10. yeah it was awesome to see it in real life and a bit scary

    and thanks for looking at our blog eva loves kittens

  11. I wish i was there for that because i love dogs
