Friday 27 November 2015

Check us out at camp and farewell to year 6's

Wishing this gorgeous group of children all the very best as many of them head off to intermediate. 

What an amazing 2 years we had learning and growing together!
Lots of special memories to treasure.

To the children who have gone on to other classes in BMPS I look forward to watching you shine as amazing year 6's xx

A few photos/clips from our time at camp. 

What was your highlight?
What did you find most challenging?
What were you most proud of?
What did you learn?


  1. Love, love, loved this camp. I enjoyed all of the laughter, all of the kids helping each other, watching kids challenge themselves, seeing our parents and teachers being amazing. I enjoyed survival, as it taught us stuff we hadn't done before. I learned that bmps senior school rock!!!

  2. I can't wait to go to camp this year!

  3. Looks awesome cant wait!!!
