Monday 6 June 2016

Samoan Language Week 2016

Samoan Language! What an awesome week it was! 
Some of the highlights for us in Room 8 were the opening ceremony on Monday, the fanau sports day on Wednesday and the fantastic closing assembly on Friday. 
We also had fun learning Samoan words, songs, and prayers. Learning about how a traditional umu is made, exploring Samoan patterns and creating our own art. We also made koko alaisa - yum!
A special thank you to the Samoan children in Room 8, who were amazing teachers this week. Thank you for sharing your beautiful culture and being patient (and not laughing at us!) as you helped us pronounce words correctly. Fa'afetai!

1 comment:

  1. What an amazing week with great learning. I have loved seeing all of the beautiful smiles, and our children in their traditional costumes and Samoan clothes-beautiful!
