Thursday 23 June 2016

How Maui Slowed the Sun

 In preparation for our trip to the Marae next week we have been exploring Maori myths and legends.

We are starting a piece of writing based on the story 'How Maui Slowed the Sun'.
Today we did some 'hot seating' where one person got to be a character, and the rest of us asked questions. Afterwards 'Maui' and Te Ra' had a heated disagreement .....
...and here we are working on a wall display based on the story.

We look forward to sharing our writing and wall display with you when we are finished. Watch this space.....!

Thursday 16 June 2016

Girl Power!

Before school league training. Apparently the field is a bit muddy......

Savannah, Augustina and Jena :)

Friday 10 June 2016

Building Mixels!

For those who don't know, Eat My Lunch is an amazing organisation who make and deliver lunches. Their motto is BUY ONE. GIVE ONE. So for every lunch purchased, they donate a lunch to a child in New Zealand who for whatever reason, may not have one that day.

Bairds Mainfreight Primary are sooooo lucky to be supported by this AMAZING company!

This week Eat My Lunch are celebrating their first birthday, but guess what?! WE got the presents!!

In conjunction with Lego, Eat My Lunch delivered Mixel Lego figures to us all!

It was like Christmas in Room 8! Constructing our Mixels was a great opportunity for us to practice reading and following instructions, problems solving, communicating with, and helping others, as well as persevering when things got a bit tricky!

Check us out....
Hands up if this is your first time making something like this....

.....Thank you Lego.....Thank you Eat My Lunch.....and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

Thursday 9 June 2016

Hayden's Presentation - Recycling

Today Hayden shared a presentation he had made about the company his dad works for in Australia - Triple R Solutions. We got to learn about hard waste and about a company that is focused on recycling and caring for our environment.

Hayden, the fact you are motivated to continue to research recycling in your own time and were so willing to share your learning with us is awesome.  Way to go!

Monday 6 June 2016

Samoan Language Week 2016

Samoan Language! What an awesome week it was! 
Some of the highlights for us in Room 8 were the opening ceremony on Monday, the fanau sports day on Wednesday and the fantastic closing assembly on Friday. 
We also had fun learning Samoan words, songs, and prayers. Learning about how a traditional umu is made, exploring Samoan patterns and creating our own art. We also made koko alaisa - yum!
A special thank you to the Samoan children in Room 8, who were amazing teachers this week. Thank you for sharing your beautiful culture and being patient (and not laughing at us!) as you helped us pronounce words correctly. Fa'afetai!