Saturday 16 April 2016

Trip to Botany Pak n Save

Room 8 have been learning about healthy eating. What we should  be eating everyday and should be eating occasionally. On Tuesday 12th April Rm 8 went to Botany Pak n Save to test out their skills on healthy eating and reading food labels.
We went for a walk to the bus station to catch a ride to Pak n Save. This is a photo of Sia paying the bus    driver for tickets and some other photos of our trip.

Thank you to Katy and Terai for coming with us and to Brogan from the Heart Foundation for teaching us how to make better choices about the food we eat.

By Carlito


  1. What a cool trip Room 8. What was the healthiest food? What was the least healthy? I learned that I need to be careful when choosing bread...I thought all brown bread was healthy. I was wrong!

  2. Thank you Brogan for teaching us about healthy foods.:):) from Nevaeh

  3. Hi there Rm 8

    It looks lke a really cool trip and great learning.

    Your Blog show that you have had a busy term one.

    Looking forward to seeing you all in term two.

