Saturday 16 April 2016

Trip to Botany Pak n Save

Room 8 have been learning about healthy eating. What we should  be eating everyday and should be eating occasionally. On Tuesday 12th April Rm 8 went to Botany Pak n Save to test out their skills on healthy eating and reading food labels.
We went for a walk to the bus station to catch a ride to Pak n Save. This is a photo of Sia paying the bus    driver for tickets and some other photos of our trip.

Thank you to Katy and Terai for coming with us and to Brogan from the Heart Foundation for teaching us how to make better choices about the food we eat.

By Carlito

Wednesday 13 April 2016

A visit from Charles and Janine!

Wow, wow, WOW!! What an amazing way to finish the term -  a visit from our chosen artists Charles and Janine Williams and their son Azariah.
You may have spotted some of their work in our Otara town centre:

We got an email at midday today to let us know that they would be popping in to meet us and see our art. As you can imagine, Room 8 were fizzing with excitement!
They were really interested to hear how we created our art and what the symbols in our work represented. Here is Tarita explaining what inspired her work.

 We were lucky enough to have the opportunity to ask Charles and Janine plenty of questions, and they shared their experiences, as well as some tips with us.

What an absolute privilege it was to host such special guests!
They are beautiful, generous people and hugely talented artists.
Room 8 will be eager to share their excitement with the people at home tonight and I am sure we will all be buzzing about this for a long time to come.

A HUGE thank you to Charles, Janine and Azariah for giving up their time to spend with us and high fives all around to the budding artists in Room 8 :)

You can check out work by Charles and Janine here

Monday 4 April 2016

Our indoor gardens

Do you remember back to the beginning of the term when Amy and Augustina planted our indoor gardens?

Well check them out now!

It has been very exciting waiting for the buds to bloom and to see what colours the flowers would be.

Come and visit us in Room 8 to have a look!