Monday 28 September 2015

BMPS culture festival 2015

This term the senior school have been practicing hard for their cultural festival which was held on Thursday the 24th of September at 6pm. Earlier that day, the junior and middle school had set the standard high during their hall opening performances. They were fantastic!

There were was a real buzz of excitement and nerves as the children were getting ready and their families began to arrive. I was the teacher in charge of the Tongan group, but in between I raced around trying to snap as many photos as I could of my gorgeous room 8 super stars.

Take a look!

Even now, thinking back on the evening, I can't stop smiling. I was so incredibly proud of each and every one of you Room 8! All the hard work you put in during your practices paid off. You all gave 100% during your performances and looked amazing!

Here is Reece who stole the stage during this part of the Samoan groups performance. Way to go Reece!
 Finally, here a few pictures of Room 8 hard at work painting hall decorations

Wednesday 16 September 2015

Feedback from the soldiers!

Do you remember the time we made a care package and sent it to a soldier, and we were learning about pay it forward? Well surprisingly we got a letter from one of the commanding officers!

When our teacher told all of us we were all shocked we couldn't believe it.The class felt joyful that we made someone else happy. It is also great to hear that they feel less homesick.We knew that they needed a little cheering up especially if they are a long way from home.  I'm sure that their families also miss them.

Have you ever thought about doing something for someone else? Try it and you will feel proud that you did it because we did! 

By Phoenix

Friday 11 September 2015

Police visit the Senior School

Today on Friday the 11th of September the police people came, not to arrest us but to teach us about C.S.I (Crime Scene Investigation) The teachers split us into 2 groups. 1 group stayed at the hall and was learning about finger prints and how to gather evidence at a crime scene. The other group was looking at the dogs in the vans and cars., then we swapped over.
The funnest part was when group 2 were playing around with the sirens and horns.
We also got to see the police dogs working when they did a demonstration on the field. It was so cool! It was such a great day.

By Rebeka and Kakala

Monday 7 September 2015

Super Sentences

Today Room 8 has been learning how to do complex sentences. These are two amazing ideas that are connected by a conjunction like a super glue gluing two  ideas together. It helps make an interesting sentence so that the reader wont fall asleep reading your writing and the reader will just want to keep reading on and on.
We watched a video about a motorbike rider surfing a wave with a motor bike. We used conjunctions to write a sentence about the video we watched.
Hope you enjoy them and please leave a comment bye all.

By Muna, Cace and Haiasini

Saturday 5 September 2015

Tongan Language Week

This week was Tongan Language Week and to celebrate and help us learn more about the Tongan culture, Haiasaini's mum came in to make us a special Tongan treat - 'otai which is a delicious drink.
The version we made had: mango pulp, fresh ground coconut, crushed pineapple, milk and sugar. We ate it with cream crackers - YUM!

 We watched a video clip about different types of ta'ovala (woven mat clothing). We learned that there are different types of ta'ovala and that ones worn to funerals are much larger, coarser and usually very worn or even slightly damaged. Ta'ovala are often tied with woven coconut husk.
We were surprised at how soft Haiasini's ta'ovala was, but she says it's quite uncomfortable to wear for a long time or to sit in.

We also had a great time listening to Tongan music and doing some art based on traditional Tongan tapa symbols.

Friday 4 September 2015

Our last swimming session

 Today on Thursday the 3rd of September we had swimming and it was a test to see how far everyone could swim. Cace on the left did 650m Aleesha  did 500 metres the Kylah and Noveena did 450m.

Andre was very proud of himself for swimming 50m and Fane has gained a lot of confidence in swimming this term.

We can't wait to go swimming again next term!