Friday 17 July 2015

Welcome to term 3!

Hello my lovelies!

I am very excited to be writing the first ever post of our new class BLOG! This will be a place for us to record and share our learning, as well as hopefully connect with others. 

I hope you have all had a fun, relaxing holiday and you are all ready for an action packed term!

What have you all been doing?

I've been catching up on housework....yes, boring I know. I've also been hanging out with Blake and Liam (you will probably notice a lot more grey hair and wrinkles when you see me next!). We spent a few days in Rotorua which was lots of fun.

It was sunny but freezing! Check out this photo of a mother duck and her ducklings trying to swim in the frozen water. It was more like ice skating! I wonder what the poor confused ducklings were thinking?

So what's happening this term? Well...... our main topic is CSI (Crime Scene Investigation) which will be really interesting, plus we have a whole school focus on character writing. Basketball starts week one and a few weeks later SWIMMING! Phew, I'm exhausted already!

I can't wait to see all your gorgeous faces on Monday!

Miss B x

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