Saturday 18 July 2015

Vivid and Dye Cacti

 Room 8 are very proud to share their latest works of art - cacti!

Our focus was to use overlapping to create depth in our artwork. We also experimented with texture and patterns.

Room 8 I love the vivid colours you used. There was such a lovely 'buzz' in the class while you were busy working on these. Each and everyone of you should be proud of what you created! Miss B

What did you enjoy most about this project? What was difficult? Would you change anything next time? Why? Why not?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Wow Room 8! These look stunning and I loved your video that went along with it. I really loved those bright colours that you all used. These will look amazing on your wall!

  3. These look electric!! Loving the colour combinations Room 8 stellar job!!!!!
    Mrs Warid

  4. ROOM 08 ART LOOKS AMAZING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. I love walking past the art each day it brighteneds up my day

  6. I think that all of your art work is amazing, and I would love to have one hanging on my wall at home. Maybe I should get Miss Bedford to do one for me! You are all very talented and should be proud of your amazing work. From Candice

    1. Thank you we appreciate it.:)

    2. hi Candice room 8 loved your comment half of room 08 laughed. Then 1 of the girls in room 8 said to miss "can you tell us the full story and she said that when you guy's were little you guy's helped cooking and 1 time she cooked some potatoes and left it for a long time.then she smelt something burnt and then she went to look and it was the potatoes so she threw the whole pot and potatoes away then she was in the dog house. HAHAHA any way thanks appreciate it. Oh wait a second missing something Miss Bedford told us that you are a nurse and when i grow up i want to be a nurse so i would love to hear all the information about being a nurse so i can be chosen thanks.

    3. Haha! Great use of our idiom of the week 'in the dog house' Kakala :)

  7. haha lol i thought about what i was gonna say first then i knew it popped in my head

  8. wasn't it hard when we did it it took for

  9. wasn't it cool when we dit it cause it took a long time

  10. Thank you for your reply, yes Miss Bedford was certainly in the dog house, I am pretty sure she tried to blame me though.... I am a nurse and I look after people who have had surgery when they get back to the ward. I enjoy my job, I love getting to know lots of different people and love to make them feel better. The skills that are helpful when you want to be a nurse are of course maths - for the drugs that you use you need to know how much to give and how to work it out. Reading, because you need to read notes from the doctors and can I tell you by the way doctors have the WORST handwriting in the world! I think they should go back to school and Miss Bedford can teach them how to print correctly. There are other things like being able to problem solve, being caring, listening well (a good one you can practice in class) also being able to stand up for what you believe is right and voicing your opinion, time management is also a very important skill. PHEW! that's a lot. My daughter wanted to be a butterfly when she grew up - what do you think she would need to learn at school to do that? Have a great day! From Candice

    1. WOW thank you for replying back i think the answer to your daughters question is to work hard in school and she could see a butterfly not be 1 so we can talk to her and plus it will be weird talking to a butterfly.
      thanx for your reply i thought you wont reply back love kakala

  11. I love the colors you used because they make phenomenal effect

  12. I found it very hard finding your school
    what year are you and what your age

  13. shot man.Hay I like your post cards you guys cent us and we no what school your from.
