Wednesday 29 July 2015

Using EXAGGERATION in our writing.

This morning we were learning to write metaphors. 
We compared a person to an animal using the words 'is' or 'was'. 

This is different from a simile because a simile uses 'like' or 'as'.

A metaphor EXAGGERATES. It makes your writing better because it describes the character and makes it more interesting for the reader and helps them see a picture in their mind. 

Using a metaphor could help make your writing a level 4 or 5.

By Mafoa and Paul

Friday 24 July 2015


Today in Room 8 maths class were experimenting with different ways we could share wafer biscuits with each other. 

We had to make sure the pieces were cut correctly and that the biscuits were shared equally. 
We talked with each other, drew diagrams, cut the biscuits then measured them against each other to check we were all getting the same amount. 

And then of course we ate them! Maths was tasty today :)

Thursday 23 July 2015

First basketball session

Today we had our first session of basketball with coach Asia. We learnt some skills such as  jump stop,  how to pivot and we also did some relays and we ended with a game of traffic light. We had a lot of fun!!!!! We look forward to next week.

By Johnny and Fane

Wednesday 22 July 2015


Today was a cool day because we did gardening. We did weeding, planting and watered the plants. 
The whole class pitched in on everything and made it look amazing. We planted rocket, spinach, leeks, lettuce and parsley and we all worked together as a team.
We all had fun and wish to do it again soon!

By Phoenix and Kylah

Tuesday 21 July 2015

Senior School teachers = Forensic Scientists!

Yesterday on the 20th of July 2015 the senior school teachers were dressed as C.S.I investigators for term 3.

Everyone was surprised when they saw the teachers. Some of them even said "Ghost busters!" The syndicate was so happy and excited when the teachers said that we were learning about C.S.I.

By Rebeka and Breanne

Saturday 18 July 2015

Vivid and Dye Cacti

 Room 8 are very proud to share their latest works of art - cacti!

Our focus was to use overlapping to create depth in our artwork. We also experimented with texture and patterns.

Room 8 I love the vivid colours you used. There was such a lovely 'buzz' in the class while you were busy working on these. Each and everyone of you should be proud of what you created! Miss B

What did you enjoy most about this project? What was difficult? Would you change anything next time? Why? Why not?

Friday 17 July 2015

Care packages for NZ soldiers

In the last week of term 2, Room 8 decided to 'Pay it Forward' and take part in a project that delivers care packages to NZ soldiers who are deployed to countries all over the world.

From our learning about the ANZACS, we know how much care packages from home mean to service men and women who are far from home.

We hope the goodies we chose will make their way across the world and let the recipient know we are thinking of them and appreciate them!

Welcome to term 3!

Hello my lovelies!

I am very excited to be writing the first ever post of our new class BLOG! This will be a place for us to record and share our learning, as well as hopefully connect with others. 

I hope you have all had a fun, relaxing holiday and you are all ready for an action packed term!

What have you all been doing?

I've been catching up on housework....yes, boring I know. I've also been hanging out with Blake and Liam (you will probably notice a lot more grey hair and wrinkles when you see me next!). We spent a few days in Rotorua which was lots of fun.

It was sunny but freezing! Check out this photo of a mother duck and her ducklings trying to swim in the frozen water. It was more like ice skating! I wonder what the poor confused ducklings were thinking?

So what's happening this term? Well...... our main topic is CSI (Crime Scene Investigation) which will be really interesting, plus we have a whole school focus on character writing. Basketball starts week one and a few weeks later SWIMMING! Phew, I'm exhausted already!

I can't wait to see all your gorgeous faces on Monday!

Miss B x