Sunday, 7 June 2020


We have been having so much fun with science in Kahu 2.

We have explored fair testing, the scientific process and how to record it. We have also seen first hand the importance of a growth mindset and the bravery to ask questions and take risks. As we found out - new discoveries and learning wouldn't happen if scientists were afraid of getting things wrong!

Here we are learning about density and observing what happened when we poured food colouring and oil onto water.

We also explored chemical reactions when we observed what happened to an egg when we left it in different liquids for 3 days. We learnt that vinegar and orange juice have acid which reacts to the calcium carbonate in the egg shell dissolving in. The vinegar made the egg bouncy!

 We learnt more about solvents, solutes and solutions when we made strawberry milk. Who knew science could be so delicious?!

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