Sunday 26 May 2019

Walking with the ANZACs

Recently the Senior School have taken part in some exciting ANZAC learning thanks to the team at School Kit who provided us with the AMAZING resource - Walking with an ANZAC.

A box was sent to us with a wide range of repoduced artifacts associated with WW1. From postcards, badges, telegrams, photos, and even a violin string and a silk scarf, each item was linked to a person who served in the war. We used our research skills and the tools on the website  to help us put the pieces of the story together and learn more about the brave people who fought for or country.

Here is some of our learning!

We would love for you to pop into Room 8 to take a closer look.


  1. Amazing learning about these incredible heroes who helped give us the freedom we have today. Great work Room 8. Walking with the Anzacs has been one of my favourite bits of learning this year.

  2. I really,really enpress with your creativ art work looks introsting

  3. i really like the arts that yous made it looked good

  4. yous are so good at making stuff keep it up

  5. I love the way you guys done your art
    Im enpress

  6. your art is lovely keep on going
    keep it up

  7. Hi guys, I LOVE the art that we made and also MISS BEDFORD IS THE BEST TEACHER!!! (From Lola)
