Sunday 26 May 2019

Walking with the ANZACs

Recently the Senior School have taken part in some exciting ANZAC learning thanks to the team at School Kit who provided us with the AMAZING resource - Walking with an ANZAC.

A box was sent to us with a wide range of repoduced artifacts associated with WW1. From postcards, badges, telegrams, photos, and even a violin string and a silk scarf, each item was linked to a person who served in the war. We used our research skills and the tools on the website  to help us put the pieces of the story together and learn more about the brave people who fought for or country.

Here is some of our learning!

We would love for you to pop into Room 8 to take a closer look.

Meet the Dinosaurs! Buddy time with Room 13

This week we had the exciting job of hosting assembly with our buddy class Room 13. Because the juniors have been learning about dinosaurs, we met with our buddy class to do some talking and learning about dinosaurs. With our buddy, we chose our favourite dinosaur, did a bit of research and talking together then presented our information using the app Chatterpix.

It was lots of fun!

We also learnt this song and dance which we performed to the school before having the whole school stand and join in with us. 

The children in Room 13 and Room 8 did a fantastic job on stage!
Well done to those children who were brave enough to speak in front of the school. 
We are very proud of you all!

Batman came to school!

It's not often that Batman interrupts your writing lesson...but when he does, it's VERY cool!