Wednesday 7 November 2018


Last week Room 8 was introduced to an app called chatterpix. It allows you to make any object talk!

After having a bit of a 'play' with our buddy class and becoming familiar with how the app worked, we did some writing.

We worked with a buddy and chose an everyday item. We then wrote as if we were that character. We imagined what it might say if it could talk. We wondered what type of personality it might have. We used words to bring our character to life.

The challenge was making sure our writing was no more than 30 seconds long as that is the time limit the app allows.

When we were finished writing, it was time to record. We had fun experimenting with expression and accents as our aim was to make our reading entertaining and enjoyable for the listener.

Here is our first attempt!


  1. This is absolutely brilliant-what fun learning! I love your ideas, your expression, your accents and your wonderful imagination. I can't wait to see what you do next!

  2. It was fun making those chatterpix videos
