Saturday 8 September 2018

Harvest Time!

Remember when we gave the garden a makeover earlier in the year? Well things have been busy growing and as part of our gardening rotation a few weeks ago, we decided it was time to harvest our vegetables.

It was a fun and busy time pulling up carrots, snipping kale and spinach, cutting cabbages, broccoli and cauliflower.

We gave them as wash (and carefully removed the slugs!). We were so impressed with what we had grown.

Some children took vegetables home but we had so many that we decided we would gift the rest, so Tia delivered them to our local food pantry where they were hopefully made into a delicious dinner.

We have started planting some of the seedlings that we have raised in our greenhouse, and we can't wait for our next harvest in a few months time.


  1. I'm glad that was made because without that no one would have gotten anything to eat.

  2. I am happy that, that food storage thing was created! I also feel more happy that we got to tribute to the helping food storage! It made my day much brighter, knowing that we got to help somebody!
