Friday 3 August 2018

Telling the Time

Last term Room 8 were learning to tell the time. Some of the learning we covered was:

  • Learning units of time - minutes, hours, days, weeks, month, years
  • Telling the time to o'clock, half past, quarter to/past, as well as to 5 and 1 minute intervals.
  • Showing digital time on an analogue clock and vice versa 
  • Converting time between 12 and 24 hours
  • Solving problems involving time
  • Understanding how to read and write roman numerals
We demonstrated some of this learning through our maths/art project - Cuckoo Clocks.

Some of our inspiration came from this video:
Check out our finished clocks - Can you solve the time problems?

 Some of our clocks are displayed in the foyer or the office. Look out for them next time you are in there.


  1. I love making cuckoo clocks. It was AMAZING

  2. I really liked making these cuckoo clocks and they all look amazing hanging from the wall in room 8 and in the office. I loved this experience I hope we can do more of these thing in the future.

  3. This one is my favourite because of the fun and of how we could use all our imaginations and being creative it was amazing and it was really cool of how we could think of a image in our mind and could imprint it on to our own art.

  4. I really enjoyed making these because everyone could use their own imaginations and create beautiful artworks. The cuckoo clocks hanging in the office on the wall really stands out A LOT, even on our wall it TOTALLY brings out the colours we've used.

  5. really cool things you have showed us rm8

  6. l love it amazing work you have showen us well done rm8

  7. I loved your video room8 it was very funny and awesome

  8. I loe your work room 8 keep it up
    by Athena
