Friday 3 August 2018


This term our school wide writing focus is persuasive writing.
We are learning that when we choose our words carefully, we can use them to persuade others.

Last term we learned about a company called Thankyou which has recently come to NZ. Their goal is to end world poverty by 2030. They sell personal care products and give 100% of the profits to go towards reaching their goal. You can learn more about Thankyou here.

We decided to use our persuasive powers to convince the staff at our school to buy these products.

Here we are ready to deliver our letters!
Mrs Waird and Miss Baird receiving their letters

After delivering our letters we put Thankyou soap in the staff toilets for them to try.

Lots of teachers have already told us they plan to buy the product next time they are at the supermarket and we read a lovely email from Mrs Dayal who thanked Gordon and Latrell for introducing her to the Thankyou range (which was followed by high fives and a round of applause by the kids in Room 8 😊)

It is exciting and empowering to know that WE have the power to influence people and that our actions can literally help to save lives. Ka pai Thankyou for all you do and well done Room 8!

Telling the Time

Last term Room 8 were learning to tell the time. Some of the learning we covered was:

  • Learning units of time - minutes, hours, days, weeks, month, years
  • Telling the time to o'clock, half past, quarter to/past, as well as to 5 and 1 minute intervals.
  • Showing digital time on an analogue clock and vice versa 
  • Converting time between 12 and 24 hours
  • Solving problems involving time
  • Understanding how to read and write roman numerals
We demonstrated some of this learning through our maths/art project - Cuckoo Clocks.

Some of our inspiration came from this video:
Check out our finished clocks - Can you solve the time problems?

 Some of our clocks are displayed in the foyer or the office. Look out for them next time you are in there.

Kia Orana - It's Cook Island Language Week.

What a colourful and fun week it's been! From our amazing opening assembly on Monday, to our cultural dress day today. It has been lovely to hear of the Cook Island drums throughout the school.

This week each class had a challenge put to them - create a 30cm x 30cm tivaevae square to share at our closing assembly on Monday of week 3.

After doing some research about what tivaevae is, who makes it and why, we decided we wanted to do some stitching of our own! Room 8 children have been working away on our creation throughout the week and are very proud of the results.

It was lovely to see people working together. One person would do some sewing, then teach the next person and so on.

Look at the concentration as we work on out tivaevae.

Gardening in the Senior School

On Monday afternoons in the senior syndicate, we are in mixed class groups doing sport/health rotations.

Here we are during our gardening rotation. We are learning about seasons, reading seed packets, soil, how to sow seeds and the germination process.

Check out our hands on learning!

Thanks to our friends at OKE (and our wonderful caretaker Wayne who has built some awesome shelves) our seeds are warm and cosy in our greenhouse and are already starting to sprout! We look forward to our next session when we get into the garden to do some weeding and begin to plant our strawberry patch.