Monday 17 December 2018

Farewell 2018

Merry Christmas and all the best for 2019.

Keep shining at your new school year 6's.
We will miss you.

Graduation 2018

What an amazing celebration our 2018 Graduation was! A fun night of dancing, friendship and food! Check out our gorgeous year 6 children...

End of Year FUN

The last few weeks of term were very busy but loads of fun. From Rainbows End, prize giving to our pool fun are a few highlights...

Thursday 22 November 2018


Room 8 always look forward to Thursday because it is swimming day! Today we we lucky enough to learn about water safety and how to correctly wear a life jacket. We learnt how to enter the water correctly, how to form a huddle and how to tread water. This is all very valuable information. Check us out in action...

Room 8 Bootcamp!

Thank you Tia for organising our fitness this morning. Everyone worked hard and it was a whole lot of fun!

Wednesday 21 November 2018

Lunchtime in the garden!

Check out these keen gardeners! They have been busy weeding as well as harvesting the broccoli and strawberries (straight into their mouths!)

Thursday 8 November 2018

Pedal Power

How lucky are we?! Every Thursday we have the awesome coaches from Pedal Power come and run a session with us. As well as having a load of fun, we are also learning lots of Important skills to help us care for our bikes and keep ourselves and the people around us safe.

Check us out!

Wednesday 7 November 2018


Last week Room 8 was introduced to an app called chatterpix. It allows you to make any object talk!

After having a bit of a 'play' with our buddy class and becoming familiar with how the app worked, we did some writing.

We worked with a buddy and chose an everyday item. We then wrote as if we were that character. We imagined what it might say if it could talk. We wondered what type of personality it might have. We used words to bring our character to life.

The challenge was making sure our writing was no more than 30 seconds long as that is the time limit the app allows.

When we were finished writing, it was time to record. We had fun experimenting with expression and accents as our aim was to make our reading entertaining and enjoyable for the listener.

Here is our first attempt!

Saturday 27 October 2018

Niuean Language Week - Goodbye and Thank you Monica!

Last week was Niuean Language Week. We celebrated this during our opening and closing assemblies through the Niuean language, listening to prayer, singing songs and watching performances by our amazing Niuean Culture group.

This year we had a special focus which was farewelling our Niuean treasure Monica who has been a special part of BMPS but who has sadly left. Luckily we still see Monica around school as she works at SKIDS.

The ‘challenge’ for each class was to create a farewell gift which was presented on Friday. Room 8 decided to bake cookies. Alongside this, we worked with a buddy to write recipes for Monica. This was a fun and creative activity. Some of the ingredients the we came up with were...
* 2 cups of cool Niuean dance moves
* A sprinkle of cheekiness 
* 4 heaped tablespoons of love
* 1 large loving heart

Baking the biscuits required careful reading, following step by step instructions, communication and teamwork as well as applying our maths skills in a real life situation. Take a look at the messy deliciousness!

Thank you Monica all that you’ve done for us. We will miss you!

BMPS Athletics Day

What a fantastic day we had on Friday! It is always great when our whole school gets together and athletics day is always a highlight.
There were a mixture of emotions...nerves...excitement but everyone did their absolute best and should be very proud of themselves.

Congratulations to those children who placed in the finals, particularly the Room 8 relay team which came first, even beating the parents team!