Tuesday 26 September 2017

Grow, cook, EAT

Today Room 8 decided the time was right to harvest some of the vegetables we planted in the garden at the end of last term. 

We picked some snow peas...

cut the broccoli...

and the purple cauliflower...

then picked some leaves from the silver beet and kale plants.
We washed them, chopped them and created a delicious vegetable stir fry.

Some of us predicted that the purple cauliflower would turn white when it was cooked, but it didn't. It kept its beautiful colour.

We appreciated and enjoyed our yummy meal even more, knowing that we grew the plants, harvested the vegetables, prepared, cooked and served them ourselves. 

Ka pai ngā kai, nē?The food’s lovely, isn’t it?
Āe. He kai rekaYes. It’s delicious food


  1. Thank you for my bowl of stir fry. It truly was delicious. Well done Room 8!!!

  2. very nice rm 8 looks so good:)

  3. we are very lucky to have you miss Bedford without you we would not be having this yummy food.

  4. we are so lucky to have miss bedford as our teacher

  5. That food was so nice cant wait to see what we do next year.
