Tuesday 18 July 2017

Navigate Your Journey.

Term 3 was an exciting term of learning for Room 8. Our learning pathways topic was 'Navigate Your Journey'. We explored the history of  Polynesian wayfinders and learnt about the navigation and settlement of the Pacific.

We worked with a buddy to present our learning in the form on an information report and a diorama.
Some of the skills we learnt along the way were:
-  Forming open ended questions
-  Selecting infomation - from books, the internet, videos
-  Skimming and scanning when reading information
-  Summarising main points
-  Indentifying key words
-  Note taking
-  Report writing
-  Teamwork - participating and contributing

Here is a peek at what we have been up to....

Learning in Room 8...


  1. What amazing learning Room 8. Did you all learn more about the journey of your ancestors? I thought that the effort l, time and thought that you put into your reports was amazing-you were clearly eager to learn!

    These dioramas are fabulous! I know from being in r8 that a lot of work went into the research and planning of the waka-it is great to see your models.

    Thank you for sharing your wonderful learning.
    Miss M :)

  2. Great team work room 8 i love seeing our Waka display and our writing about What Waka or Vaka they use and many more things they use.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Thankyou for your comment we hope you had a great time eating and munching the delicious scrumptions food we made for you thankyou for making diffrence at bmps
