Sunday 18 June 2017

Excuse the mess....we're LEARNING!

In Room 8 we have been busy! 
Researching, planning, discussing, drawing, creating, taping, gluing, painting......

We look forward to sharing our masterpieces with you when we are finished. Watch this space 😊

Monday 12 June 2017

Nexo Knights!

What a fantastic surprise the Senior and Middle School kids at BMPS had last week! Each student go their very own Nexo Knight lego set! 

These were gifted to us from Eat My Lunch. Eat My Lunch is an AMAZING company who provide our school and schools all over NZ, with lunches for those who don't have any. 

It is their 2nd birthday, but we were the lucky ones that got the presents. How awesome is that?!

In Room 8 we got to test our literacy skills by carefully reading and following the instructions. We worked cooperatively when we got a bit stuck on the tricky bits and had a whole lot of fun sharing and playing with our creations.

Thank you Eat My Lunch for helping to keep kid's tummies full so they can focus on their learning. We appreciate you! 

Tuesday 6 June 2017

Roots of Empathy

Room 8 are very fortunate to be part of the Roots of Empathy this year.

Roots of Empathy is a program delivered in 11 different countries. It's aim is to promote empathy. Empathy is understanding and caring about how others feel. Empathy helps us to develop our social skills, manage our emotions and care for others.

To find out more about Root's of Empathy you can check out their website here.

In Room 8 we have the lovely Ally come each Tuesday afternoon to teach us about empathy and caring for a baby. Every third lesson we have a baby visit, which is VERY exciting.

We are lucky to have baby Veihana as 'our' baby. Veihana comes along with her grandmother Akauta who works in the office at Bairds Mainfreight Primary. During her visit we get to sing to her, play with her, observe her temperament and notice the milestones she reaches. We discuss her needs and the things that she needs to help her grow and develop. We interact with her and see how she responds in different situations.

Here is a sneak peek into our Roots of Empathy baby visit.