Monday 14 November 2016

We grew cabbages!

Last term Room 8 decided to learn more around planting and grew cabbage seedlings in our very own school garden. Yesterday it was time... we finally got the chance to see our perfectly grown cabbages!

While we were taking out our cabbages, the boys also pulled out the bok choy, that happened to be over grown in the garden.

LJ and Jerald had a challenge to try and eat parsley from the garden and said it tasted like rotten orange!

By Savannah ans Melanie


  1. YUM! YUM! YUM!(for the cabbage not the rotten orange taste)

  2. Those cabbages would make awesome coleslaw!!!

  3. Delicious!!! I want some :)

  4. You guys will grow strong with all those vegetables!!!!!
