Sunday 25 September 2016

Making pikelets.

Room 8 celebrated the end of term four and a very busy week with a cooking competition.

The class was split into 2 teams and assigned jobs - measuring and mixing/cooking/cleaning/setting the tables. Teams were given points for their jobs and each team sent a sample up to Val in the office who was the judge.

It was great to see the teams working together to use their reading and maths skills (this required some concentration since we were doubling the recipe) and it was lovely to sit down and enjoy food together.

One of the teams got baking powder and flour mixed up...but luckily realised their mistake and scooped out 1 cup of baking powder just in time! They did end up with the fluffiest (or as Jerald said 'chubbiest') pikelets.

Nice work Room 8!

1 comment:

  1. Memories i miss u too miss bedford and room 8 😢😢😢
