Thursday 25 August 2016

Persuasive Writing - Litter in our community

On the way to the pools last week, we were sad and disappointed to see rubbish everywhere.
After all of our learning this year about the effects of littering, we sadly know where this litter could end up!

 As part of our learning about persuasive writing, we have written to our fellow citizens of Otara. We are asking people to consider the effects littering is having on our community and world. 
Check them out and tell us what you think!






  1. This makes me so sad Room 8. Thank you for being amazing citizens and trying hard to teach our community about why we shouldn't litter. How do we make everyone more responsible? We can start by being great role models in school, and by picking up rubbish near where we live. Hopefully others will see us, and will copy us...I hope others do, or our planet is going to get really ill!

  2. Malo e lelei our beautiful buddies.
    What clever writers you are! You have definitely persuaded me. I agree, our environment and all of the creatures are so important. I am glad there is responsible and caring citizens like you guys in this world!
    Nofo a
    Miss Baird and Room 13

  3. That makes me so sad to hear that there is litter around our community
