Miss Bedford and Room 8 have been leaning about recycling so Miss Bedford has got lots of different rubbish bins at her house. They are - recycling, soft plastic, compost and landfill. But Miss Bedford noticed that her landfill bin was filled with lots of unrecyclable meat trays. The unrecyclable meat trays are the black ones like the one in the picture also the black meat trays can't be recycled because the trays have little holes that the blood in the meat gets trapped into and you can't get it out. It is also bad for the environment because they have to go to landfill and a landfill is a big hole in the ground with rubbish.We wrote letters to Foodstuffs and Progressive Enterprises. Foodstuffs is the boss of Pak 'n' Save and New World. We are happy that they have started trialling recyclable meat trays. Progressive Enterprises is the boss of Countdown.Today we got a reply from Foodstuffs! You can see it below. We hope Progressive Enterprises write back soon.
By Waina

Guess what Hayden spotted in the holidays? The new meat trays! These meat trays would be very useful in our classroom as paint and glue trays, so feel free to send them our way. Reduce, reuse, recycle!!
Well done! I couldn't agree more Room 8. I have been thinking exactly the same thing lately.