Wednesday 17 February 2016


As part of our focus on poetry, today we were learning about metaphors. A metaphor is when we compare a person, place or thing to something else. It's different from a simile, as we don't use the words 'like' or 'as'.
Writers use metaphors in their poetry for many reasons.
  • To make the writing more interesting
  • To make a clearer picture in the readers mind
  • To make the reader use their imagination and really think about what they are reading 
  • Because they can be funny!
We worked with a buddy to google an interesting image of the sky, then we had to create a metaphor about the image. Our writing had to:
  • Have a capital letter and full stop
  • Be a metaphor that used the words 'is' or 'was'
  • Make sense!
We had to open a word document, copy and paste an image, change the layout, font and colour - so we were learning lots of computer skills too!
 This is what we came up with this morning.......

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