Friday 26 February 2016

Duffy Award

Micheal won the Duffy award at assembly today! Micheal is a creative thinker who came up with some fantastic examples of powerful verbs this week during writing. 

Keep up the great learning Micheal :)
Gwyneth turned 9 today! 
  Happy Birthday to yooooooooou!

We hope you had a great day Gwyneth and a big thank you to Mum and Dad for the delicious cupcakes. 


Waina is a star!

We have a star in Room 8!! Well we actually have MANY stars in Room 8, but this week the super clever Waina was featured in the New Zealand Herald alongside her awesome dad Wayne. 

Waina is a dedicated member of Sistema who plays the violin.
We are VERY proud of you Waina and of Ellen-Gracie, Tarita, Augustina, Micheal, and Amy who are also part of Sistema.

What an inspiration you are to us all!

Monday 22 February 2016

Happy Birthday Amy

Happy birthday beautiful Amy who is 9 today! Thank you to Ellen-Gracie for your lovely version of 'Happy Birthday' played on the cello.

Thursday 18 February 2016

Bio Poetry

Yay! We have finally finished our bio poems! They look great and it was a good way to learn more about each other.

Unfortunately you can't read the poems on the please pop into Room 8 to check them out :)

Wednesday 17 February 2016


As part of our focus on poetry, today we were learning about metaphors. A metaphor is when we compare a person, place or thing to something else. It's different from a simile, as we don't use the words 'like' or 'as'.
Writers use metaphors in their poetry for many reasons.
  • To make the writing more interesting
  • To make a clearer picture in the readers mind
  • To make the reader use their imagination and really think about what they are reading 
  • Because they can be funny!
We worked with a buddy to google an interesting image of the sky, then we had to create a metaphor about the image. Our writing had to:
  • Have a capital letter and full stop
  • Be a metaphor that used the words 'is' or 'was'
  • Make sense!
We had to open a word document, copy and paste an image, change the layout, font and colour - so we were learning lots of computer skills too!
 This is what we came up with this morning.......

Saturday 13 February 2016

Friday in Room 8

Today was our first whole school assembly - and what a fantastic assembly it was!

A HUGE congratulations to Ardyn who received the first Duffy book of the year for being so supportive of his classmates during cricket. Ardyn cheered and shouted words of encouragement to players on his team, and the opposition team. What a great role model you are and inspiration to us all Ardyn. Well done!

Some of the other fun things that happened on Friday...
 Augstina and Amy planted our classroom flower garden. They were learning how to dig the hole to just the right depth to cover the seedlings roots then to push firmly around the plant without damaging it. They did a great job!

Lots of TLC! Can't wait to see them grow and flower.
Room 8 hard at work. Such focus and concentration as these children were creating their first ever google slide to share on their blog next this space!
Amy, Sia, Adam and Jeremiah working on their masterpieces. Creating the background for their bio-poems.

Tuesday 9 February 2016

Welcome to 2016!

I am very excited to be writing the first post for 2016 on our class blog!

For new visitors, I am Melissa Bedford and have had the privilege of teaching at BMPS since 2005. 

I'm the mum of two energetic boys....  
Liam 4

and Blake who is 6 and in Room 18 this year.

A blog is a great place to connect with others as well as reflect on our learning. 
Sharing our learning with others helps it become clearer in our own minds. 
We welcome feedback and would love it if you could take some time to leave a comment. 
I look forward to seeing the clever children in R8 take greater control of the blog over the next few weeks as they  begin to learn what to do.

It's over to you now R8.
Watch this space! :)