Friday 23 October 2015

Athletics day!

Today was an exiting day, it was athletics day. Everyone from Bairds Mainfreight participated 
in the fun. We were feeling pumped and a few people felt nervous. Some of the
seniors raced in the 200 meter run and the 400 meter run and we all ran in the 
75 meter run.
Everyone did well but in room 08 Julee-uz, Cace, Mafoa, Tara, Muna and Marina
got ribbons in the finial.

In the afternoon the seniors had some fun relays. It was cool.

Now at the end of the day everyone feels very tired but we all made it though!

By Paul

Friday 16 October 2015

We got mail!

In Room 8 we are very proud of our blog and love sharing our learning with others but we had a problem.........our blog wasn't getting many visitors :(

So recently we connected up with another school in New Zealand. We had no idea which part of NZ the school was in, and they didn't know where we were SO we researched clues about our city and suburb and made a postcard which we sent to them:

Earlier this week we got mail! The class at the 'mystery school' made us postcards with clues about where in NZ they were.

We worked with a buddy and used the clues on the postcards and laptops to help figure out the mystery. The clues were great, but it was still tricky!
Here we are using our research and detective skills.....

We made it a competition to see who could figure it out first. As you can imagine the rivalry was fierce and there was lots of celebration as each team finally worked it out!

After that we went onto our blog to send them a message.

To our new friends at

Pukerua Bay School

........thank you so much for your postcards! 

We plan on checking out your blog next week.

Keep visiting us and perhaps we could set up a Skype session sometime this term?

High fives to you all and a big hug to Mrs TJ x