Friday 21 August 2015

Red Nose Day Breakfast

Today was Red Nose Day and we had a PJ mufti day. In the morning room 8 were making breakfast in the class and
we had eggs, milk shakes, weetbix with fruit salad and some spaghetti and toast on the side.
Our teacher Miss Bedford gave the whole class a job and after all of the cooking we ate it and  it was delicious .
By Luke and Noveena

 Check us out hard at work!


  1. WOW! What a fun day for you all. It was making me hungry just looking at the pictures. Miss Bedford was not always such a wiz in the kitchen, ask her about burning the pot when she was cooking the potatoes when she was about your age. It is great to see you all having so much fun. PS: Who did the dishes? From Candice

    1. Thank you and P.S funny one! hahahaha

  2. The breakfast was nice I liked the smoothies great work aleesha and noveena

  3. It was fun and messy at the same time but it was worth it.

  4. Oh cool I wanted to come.

  5. Wish to do the pj day again and the shared breakfast.
