Thursday 5 March 2020


It is almost that time of the year again...the art exhibition!!

We are excited to get started on our masterpieces but first we need to learn some skills.

Today we explored tints and shades.

A tint is when you add white to lighten a colour and a shade is when you add black to darken a colour.

There was lots of excitement as we noticed how the colour changed each time more white was added.

We were also learning to have control over our paint brush and pallet and we even managed to keep ourselves and our tables quite clean!

Sunday 1 March 2020


In Kahu 2 we have been having a bit of fun with googly eyes around the school. Putting googly eyes on objects to turn them into faces with expression is called 'Eyebombing' The purpose of eyebombing is to spread a little cheer and put a smile on people's faces. 
You can learn more about eyebombing in the video below.

The wind was cold like ice cubes as it blew the leaves into a miniature tornado.  The bell rang so super loud that I almost turned deaf for a second. I then realised... “Oh no, NOT THE CHILDREN!”There was a ringing in my ears as the children bolted out of their classrooms with hats on their heads and food in their hands. 

I looked around to see children making their way to me while having a wicked stare. I blinked for a split second and then detected that a girl’s mouth was coming straight to my lips and then… “Ouch!” My head felt dizzy as I vomited out a disgusting liquid (AKA water). After that I thought“Did he just drink my VOMIT?!?!”

 As I tried to recover I could smell a bad odor that smelt EXACTLY like a boy that just came out of the bathrooms. “I hope he has washed his hands with soap and dried them properly.” I thought to myself. 
He walked towards me while having a thirsty glare on his face, he suddenly started sprinting towards me and at this moment I feel like it is a slow motion stare off, but wild west style.

After another gross moment of lips all over me, I begged to thy dear Lord “Please let this hour of pain be over, PLEASE!” I didn’t know if he was gonna answer or not but...HE DID! The bell rang and all the children went inside.
By Lola
“Oooooh can you get your filthy hands off my glass? You’re making me dirty!” I thought to myself as these wretched kids were smudging my glass. I really wish that the inside of my glass was as hot as the outside so they can keep their hands of it. I was alright with the children coming inside my sphere but some kids came in with  muddy hands from playing on the field or sand from the sandpit. Don't mind my whining, I am just so mad right now.  

I wish I had legs to run away because of how sick I am. I hate how the kids scream and squeal. The noise gives me a headache and I always think that someday I will truly be deaf. 

Anyway, hi my name is Jefree and I am a bit of a loner but i'm happy with that. I like to hum songs to myself so I can be entertained but the annoying thing is...I have to face the the hot sun without any shade or water. 
Heeeey, oh no the bell just rang...and...ohhh no, those kids...they’re comingggg!
By Teylah
The playground was a desert, hot, silent and lonely. The merciless sun stared me down. And like this day couldn't get any worse...“BRRRRRRRRRRRING!”

As soon as the morning tea bell rang the children shot out of their classes, caps on their heads and lunches in their hands. “Oh no! Not Those grubby children! They're  going to dirty me with their filthy shoes!” The little children flew straight past me and darted toward the slide, their grins stretching from ear to ear.

I felt relieved that no one wanted to play with me.
Out of the blue a little kid stomped his way towards the climbing wall. “Oh no! Oh no!” I thought to myself as the child gripped onto the rope with his snotty fingers. One by one the shoes stuck onto the wall. Closer and and closer the toe jams inches towards me. “SQUELCH! SQUELCH! SQUELCH!” teases the smeared, soiled shoes.
Then… “SQUELCH!” and suddenly I have a mud facial. What made it even worse was the sun. It beamed down on me drying the mud. I moved as much as I could, hoping to crack the dry dirt. I prayed to the lord to get this smelly stuff off me.
Suddenly I saw a boy dripping in so much sweat that the moisture even met his shoes. I called him over to me hoping that he’ll stomp on me and wash away all the dirt with a sweat shower. As he walked past me he gave me a glare of disgust and jogged away. Who knew that in one day I could go from shooing  to begging the nasty children to climb on me?
By Joanna

Māui and the Goddess of Fire - Storyboard

As part of our learning about the Kahu we have explored myths and legends that feature this special bird. One of these was Māui and the Goddess of Fire. In this story Māui turns himself into the powerful Kahu to escape a very angry Mahuika after he uses up all of her fire. 

After some hot seating and pretend phone converations between the main characters, we worked with a buddy to retell the story in our own words. 

Have a look at what we created...