Sunday 23 February 2020

Totara Park 2020

What a fantastic day we had on Friday on our whole school trip to Totara Park.
We had a great time in nature searching for native birds as well as spotting cows and rabbits. Luckily we were able to have a lovely swim to help cool us off.

Check out a few photos from our day.


The beginning of they year is always about teamwork and communication. We want to learn in a class where we respect each others ideas and where we feel safe to contribute and participate.

A fun way to learn these skills is through teamwork challenges! Here are a few we started the year with...

Tower building challenge

Superhero Costume Design

Saturday 22 February 2020

2020 Self portraits

Welcome to 2020!

Room 8 is now officially called Kahu 2. 
We are excited for a great year of learning and fun and we hope you follow us on our journey!