Wednesday 15 January 2020

Tuia 250

In term four Room 8 took on the challenge of another School Kit.
This kit was based on learning around Tuia 250.
Tuia 250 was a commemorative event marking 250 years since Captain James Cook arrived in New Zealand. It provided people opportunities and experiences to learn about voyaging, discovery, the first meetings between Māori and Pakeha as well as the settlement of  Aotearoa. 
The central event was the Tuia 250 Voyage
The main idea of the kit was that everyone sees and experiences events from their own point of view. By exploring the view points of many people that were there on that day when Captain Cook arrived at Mercury Bay we are able to see that there are more than one perspective on the history of our country. 

We spent weeks learning about the characters and how they were linked together as well as some important artifacts from that time. This included plenty of discussion, questioning, research, reading and writing. At the end of our learning we were given the task of creating a museum to share our incredible learning with others. We decided to invite our neighbours Room 7 to our museum. The planning process was exciting. Room 8 had so many great ideas and were in charge of planning the event.
We made signs and tickets
We created playlists of music to help create the right atmosphere at our museum and wrote questions which we turned into a scavenger hunt.
On the day we were VERY excited! We spent time making our classroom look like a museum. 

We had security who made sure everyone was following the museum rules and who collected the tickets and gave visitors a stamp. We started off by presenting some of our learning.
The children in Room 7 used the information from our exhibits to answer questions and complete the scavenger hunt. 
It was lots of fun and there was plenty of great discussion and learning which took place.
 Our judging panel marked the answers as teams finished.
Our museum event and the learning we did about Tuia250 was one of our absolute highlights of the year. It has hopefully changed the way we view things in our world, encouraging us to ask questions and explore multiple perspectives before we come to our own conclusions. 
  Thank you School Kit.