Tuesday 9 July 2019

Art Exhibition 2019

This term the whole school has been working hard to create a piece of art for our term 2 exhibition with the theme of 'Countries'.

After much discussion Room 8 chose Ming vases from China as our inspiration. We used a wide variety of materials from paint, dye, indian ink, newspaper and pastel and along the way learnt techniques such as blending and sgraffito (scratching to reveal a colour underneath). 

Here are a few photos of the process...

Here are a few of the finished pieces...

Not only did we create a beautiful piece of art, but we also did lots of interesting research and learning about Chinese languages, celebrations, landmarks and traditions which we shared through writing information reports.

Well done Room and and all the children at BMPS for creating such stunning pieces of art.

Imagination and Creativity in Room 8

For an hour each week, the children in the Senior School are given the opportunity to take part in play based learning. We are given choice and the chance to lead our own learning and discovery.  During this time we are using our imagination and creativity and get to develop other skills like problem solving and communication.
Here is a glimpse of some of the things that have been happening...

Learning how to thread a loom and weave using wool.

Using construction materials to build and create.

Using stop motion animation to tell stories.

Developing our talents and confidence through singing and presenting.
Planning and creating using cardboard boxes and hot glue. 
Pursuing our interests such as drawing...

and trying something new like sewing.

We are looking forward to seeing where our imagination and creativity takes us in term 3!

Celebrating Matariki

In Room 8 we have been learning about stories and traditions associated with Matariki.

We learnt that Matariki can be celebrated by getting together with friends and whanau to share stories, skills and kai -  so Room 8 decided to do just that! We invited our buddy class Room 13 to come and join us for a some Matariki fun.

In the morning we put our reading and maths skills to use by following a recipe to make pikelets.

When our buddy class arrived in the middle block, we learnt how to sing Tirama Tirama - the Maori version of Twinkle Twinkle. Then we blessed the kai before going outside to eat it in the beautiful sunshine.

After that we spent time reading our buddy the story Matariki Breakfast and sharing the story of the Seven Sisters which we had retold in the form of a story board.


Finally, we finished of by teaching our buddy how to make an origami star which we then decorated. 

What a wonderful time we had sharing and learning with our friends from Room 13.