Saturday 6 April 2019

ANZAC Poppies

As the 25th of April is fast approaching, the Senior School are learning about ANZAC day. This week as part of that learning, Room 8 explored the famous and beautiful poem - In Flander's Field written by John McCrae
Did you know he wrote this in 20 minutes while sitting at the graveside of his friend who had been killed in the war? His poem went on to inspire the red poppy that we often see people wearing on ANZAC day.
We spent time discussing what some of the unfamiliar words meant and through whose perspective the poem was written from.
We then split into three teams and practised reading the poem before coming together to perform it as a class.

We even planted some ANZAC poppies that we hope to see blooming soon!

Food for Thought

Room 8 have recently been learning about the importance of a healthy, balanced diet. We were lucky enough to have Tina from the Heart Foundation come in and teach us about the main food groups and how to read the nutritional labels on food packets.
This important information can help us compare foods and make healthier choices.
We had the opportunity to put our learning to the test during a visit to Pak n Save in Botany.

Here we are in action!

Polyfest 2019

A few weeks ago the senior school were lucky enough to go to Polyfest. We had a wonderful time taking in the sights, sounds and tastes of this fantastic cultural event. For some of us we got to see cousins, friends or siblings up on the stage.
It was wonderful to see the passion, confidence and pride the performers had.
We are inspired for our own BMPS cultural festival in term 3. Bring it on!

A big thank you to our awesome parent helpers. We couldn't do it without you x