Saturday 26 May 2018

Stop Motion Animation - The Adventures of Bob

In the senior school last term we had electives where children got to choose from a range of activities on offer - art, music, coding and stop motion animation.

In Room 8 we worked in small groups and used an app called 'My Create' to make stop motion videos.

We had to come up with an idea, build the set, then film. Filming required taking hundreds of photos that when played quickly, make it look like the objects are moving by themselves. This took patience and careful planning.

The videos were then all put together to make 'The Adventures of Bob'.

We are pretty happy with the results...

Thursday 24 May 2018

ANZAC Writing 2018

Our ANZAC art and writing is up on display.I am so proud of the thought, detail and effort that went into each piece of writing.  Please feel free to come and visit us in Room 8 to check it out.

Come Back Sunshine!

Today's rainy weather in Auckland makes me wish for the gorgeous sunny day we had a few weeks back. Why work inside when we can write in the sunshine?