Wednesday 6 December 2017

ROE - Baby Celebration

A few weeks ago we celebrated our last Roots of Empathy session. We were so proud of baby Veihana who WALKED into Room 8 on the day (with a wee bit of help...).

It has been so exciting to see her change from a small baby into a gorgeous little lady with a big personality.

Veihana, you have been an amazing 'tiny teacher' to the children in Room 8. You have made us laugh and brought us so much joy over the year. We have learned the importance of empathy and the incredible power we have to make a difference in the world we live in.

Thank you Akauta for sharing Veihana with us and for giving up your time over the year.
We appreciate you!

Thank you Ally for being such a wonderful ROE teacher. Thank you for letting us share our stories and for helping us learn how to be empathetic and to communicate better with each other. Thank you also for all the special treats you brought for us to enjoy!

We can't wait to celebrate Veihana's 1st birthday on the 12th of December and to continue watching 'our baby' grow and change over the years to come.

Check the comments for Room 8's messages about Roots of Empathy.

Monday 4 December 2017

Camp 2017

Earlier this term the senior school students went on camp to Lakewood Lodge. We had an incredible time trying new things and growing our confidence. Some of the highlights were the flying fox, horse riding, kayaking, survivor and of course the mud run!

Check out our photos and read about Room 8's highlights in the comments below.